The Starter Guide to Aquascaping: Creating a Beautiful Aquarium Landscape

Aquascaping is the art of designing and creating a beautiful and natural-looking landscape within an aquarium. This hobby combines the beauty of plants and aquatic life with the creativity and skill of the aquascaper.

An aquascaped aquarium

Aquascaping is the art of designing and creating a beautiful and natural-looking landscape within an aquarium. This hobby combines the beauty of plants and aquatic life with the creativity and skill of the aquascaper. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned pro, aquascaping can be a rewarding and fulfilling hobby.

Understanding the Basics of Aquascaping

Before you start aquascaping, it is important to understand the basic principles and techniques that are involved. Some of the key concepts to consider include:

Tank size and layout

The size and shape of your tank will determine the type of aquascape you can create. A larger tank will allow for more flexibility in your design, while a smaller tank may require a more minimalistic approach. The shape of your tank can also impact the design, with rectangular tanks allowing for more linear layouts and round or irregularly shaped tanks requiring a more organic, asymmetrical design.


The substrate, such as gravel or sand, serves as the base for your plants and hardscape. Choose a substrate that is appropriate for the plants and aquatic life in your aquascape.

Placement of hardscape

The hardscape, such as rocks and wood, serves as the foundation for your aquascape and provides a natural-looking habitat for your aquatic life. Plants add color and life to your aquascape, and should be chosen and placed in a way that complements the hardscape and creates a cohesive look.

Plant selection

Choosing the right plants for your aquascape is crucial to the success of your design. Consider the size, growth rate, and care requirements of the plants you choose, as well as their color and texture. Some popular aquascaping plants include Anubias, Java fern, and Bucephalandra. Be sure to research the lighting and nutrient requirements of the plants you select, as these can impact their growth and overall health.

Fish selection

The type of fish you choose can also impact your aquascape design. Consider the size, behavior, and habitat preferences of the fish you want to include in your tank. Some fish may require more swimming space, while others may prefer more hiding places or plants to explore.


Proper lighting is essential for the health and growth of your plants and aquatic life. Choose lighting that is appropriate for the specific needs of your aquascape.

Filtering and heating equipment

Proper filtration and heating are essential for maintaining the water quality and temperature in your aquascape. Choose equipment that is appropriate for the size and needs of your tank.

Overall look and feel

Think about the overall aesthetic you want to achieve with your aquascape. Do you want a lush, tropical paradise, a minimalist Zen garden, or something in between? Consider the color scheme, layout, and overall theme of your design, and choose plants and decorations that support this vision.

Designing Your Aquascape

Before you start building your aquascape, it's important to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve. This can involve sketching out a rough design, or even creating a detailed plan using a computer-aided design (CAD) program.

There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to designing an aquascape, but there are a few general principles that can help you create a visually appealing and functional space. Some things to consider include:

  • Proportion: The size of your aquascape should be appropriate for the size of your tank. For example, a small tank might be overwhelmed by large rocks or plants, while a larger tank might feel empty with only a few small elements.
  • Balance: A well-balanced aquascape will have a sense of harmony and symmetry, with elements arranged in a way that feels natural and pleasing to the eye.
  • Focal point: Every aquascape should have a central focus or focal point that draws the eye and anchors the overall design. This could be a large rock formation, a piece of driftwood, or a grouping of plants.
  • Flow: The layout of your aquascape should create a sense of movement and flow, with elements arranged in a way that guides the viewer's eye around the tank.
  • Scale: The elements in your aquascape should be in proportion to each other, with larger elements balanced by smaller ones.

Building your Aquascape

Once you have a clear idea of your design, it's time to start building. The exact process will depend on the materials you're using and the complexity of your design, but here are a few general steps to follow:

  1. Start by creating a substrate layer using gravel or sand. This will provide a base for your plants and help to anchor them in place.
  2. Next, add any hardscape elements, such as rocks, wood, or driftwood. These should be arranged in a way that creates a sense of balance and flow.
  3. Next, add water. Make sure to use a water conditioner to remove chlorine and other harmful chemicals from the water. It's also important to test the water quality regularly
  4. Once everything is in place, it's time to start planting. Choose a variety of plants that will thrive in your tank and arrange them in a way that creates a sense of depth and visual interest.

Finally, add any finishing touches, such as lighting, filters, and decorations. These should be chosen with your overall design in mind and should help to enhance the aesthetic of your aquascape. Now is the good time to add some fish or other aquatic animals to your tank, as they can add movement and interest to your aquascape.

Caring for Your Aquascape

Once your aquascape is set up, the work doesn't stop there. Proper maintenance is essential for keeping your tank looking its best and ensuring the health and well-being of your plants and fish. Some key tasks to focus on include:

Regular water changes

It's important to perform regular water changes to remove excess nutrients and maintain good water quality. This will help to prevent algae blooms and keep your plants looking healthy.

Pruning and trimming

As your plants grow, you'll need to trim and prune them to maintain their shape and prevent them from taking over the tank. This can also help to encourage new growth and keep your aquascape looking fresh.

Proper lighting

The type and intensity of lighting you use can have a big impact on the health and growth of your plants. It's important to choose the right lighting for your specific aquascape, and to maintain the correct lighting schedule to promote healthy plant growth.


Many aquascapes require additional fertilization to provide the nutrients that plants need to thrive. There are many different types of fertilizers available, and it's important to choose the right one for your specific setup.

Algae control

Algae can be a common problem in aquariums, and it's important to keep it under control to maintain the aesthetic of your aquascape. There are a variety of methods for controlling algae, including manual removal, chemical treatments, and the use of algae-eating fish and invertebrates.

Theming and Advanced Techniques

Designing your aquascape is the most creative and fun part of the process. There are many different styles of aquascaping to choose from, such as Dutch, Nature Aquarium, and Iwagumi etc. Check out our article on Common Aquascaping Techniques. When searching for themes, Internet is your best friend. Go and explore the world of aquascape theming.

For those who are interested in taking their aquascaping to the next level, there are several advanced techniques to consider. These include Co2 injection and fertilization, which can help to enhance plant growth and health, and aquatic plant propagation, which allows you to create new plants from cuttings.

Aquascaping is not a one-time event, but rather an ongoing process that requires regular maintenance to keep your tank looking its best. Creating an aquascape can be a fun and rewarding hobby, and with a little planning and care, you can create a beautiful and thriving ecosystem in your own home. Get into the world of Aquascaping to enjoy its wonders.